
Hello family and friends! Feel free to leave comments, read, make suggestions, and ask questions. If you leave a comment anonymously, just let us know who you are so that we know who's reading the blog!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

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Monday, October 5, 2009

A Picture's Worth a Thousand Words...

and quite a few laughs...

Monday, September 28, 2009

Summer's End

Summer is at an end and fall is finally on the horizon. It's actually in the 70's here now which is awesome. I'm totally missing the Michigan autumns. Michigan was the reason I fell in love with autumn in the first place. I'm told next month it will be gorgeous here in the mountains. I'm so looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to walks without sweating or heat exhaustion. Cool weather for the win!

With the end of summer are some changes. Both Daniel and I are going back to school. We're both going to school online to accommodate our family's schedule best. The school we're attending is called Western Governors University located in Salt Lake City, Utah. It's accredited and quickly rising to one of the best online schools out there. They're a nonprofit school where you go at your own pace and do as little or as much as you want. It's a really awesome program. Daniel's going for teaching to be a science teacher while I'm going to get my business degree in business management. I'm super excited and so is Dann. He's actually in the process of doing it right now and I'm so very proud of him. He's pushing through it and doing a great job! I'm still working about 40 hours a week at Chili's and I love it a lot.

The boys are getting so big!! Griffin has just started to learn to talk and he's busting out words that crack us up. "Awesome" and "efficient" are just a couple of them. He's such a ham. Gavin has also discovered the world of communication and it's making life so much easier for both him and us. He's so precious. He says for "cup please" and "hungry" and "daddy please?" The last one gets me every time. So precious! They are both best friends and enemies depending on the day. It's funny sometimes, the things they fight about. But other times they are best friends and we are not to interfere with their world, at least they kick us out of the room or push us away if we try. But that's the way with siblings. It's such an amazing thing to see the relationship develop.

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My parents and grandparents took a trip to Tennessee and came to see us. You know what that means... pictures! ... Now I know I've been slacking on pictures lately and I feel really bad about it. So to make up for it, I leave you with tons of cuteness and a promise of more to come. My camera has batteries now so I don't have an excuse.


And after posting all the pictures, my internet crashed on me. And since it's 1 AM and I really don't want to spend another hour uploading pictures, here's a link to the album that has the pictures I was going to upload. I had them uploaded on Facebook so I'm taking the easy route by just using those. Haha. It's from all summer though.

New pictures start on page 2, just fyi.

Friday, July 24, 2009

New Pictures, mostly Griffin

Easter baskets make the best hats!

Kisses, Mama!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Bath Time With the Boys

The boys LOVE bath time. They get so excited, especially when there's bubbles. They were super hyper when I started recording this.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Baby Bear, Baby Bear what do you see?

Mumum, Mumum, what do you see? I see a Gavin Joe reading to me.

Gavin's favorite book lately has been Baby Bear, Baby Bear, What Do You See?. He was reading it to me (Mumum) this morning. It was so precious I thought I'd share it with you. Also, a couple bonus of Gavin and Daddy reading it together.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Pictures and Video

I've got a few pictures and a video for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy!

This is Gavin singing "Itsy Bitsy Spider"... It's a little hard to hear, but you can at least see him trying to sing it and do the actions to it. It was recorded with the digital camera so the quality isn't the best either.